Recent news

Important Update:
Deadline for reception of abstracts was extended from April 1 to April 20.

Important Dates

April 20, 2017

Deadline Abstract Submission

April 30, 2017

Notification and Invitation to submit Paper

May 30, 2017

Deadline Paper Submission

June 20, 2017

Notification of Acceptance     

August 06 - 09, 2017


Invited Speakers

Dra. Vera Álvarez
Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencia y Tecnologia de Materiales, INTEMA, Argentina
Dr. Miguel Ángel Blesa
Secretario de Planeamiento y Políticas en Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva, Investigador Superior CONICET, Argentina
Prof. Joaquim Casal Fabrega
Universitat Politècnica Catalunya, España
Prof. Ignacio Grossmann
Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Ing. Daniel Redondo
Secretario de Planeamiento Energético Estratégico – Ministerio de Energía y Minería, Argentina

Importance of CAIQ2017

The "IX Argentine Congress of Chemical Engineering", CAIQ2017, with national and international scope, is part of a series organized by the Argentine Asociation of Chemical Engineers (AAIQ), with the collaboration of different national and international academic, industrial and profession al institutions.

This edition of the congress is co-organized by the PLAPIQUI Chemical Engineering Pilot Plant (UNS, CONICET).

TheCAIQ2017, along with the CAIQ2019, to be held in Santa Fe) are preparatory events for the "11th World Congress of Chemical Engineering" (WCCE2021) and the "XXX Inter-American Congress of Chemical Engineering" (CIIQ2021), to be held in Buenos Aires in 2021.

For additional information, please contact:


Administrative issues / general organization:

Rubén Maltese:
Maipú726 - 1º Piso - Ofic. A (C1006ACJ)
CABA  - Argentina
Phone / FAX: + (54) 11 4326-0089

Topics related to CAIQ2017:


Camino La Carrindanga Km 7,
Bahía Blanca - Argentina
Phone: +(54) 291 4861700 / (54) 11 43260089